Unser Repertoire
Ihr seid auf der Suche nach dem typischen „Gospels at Heaven“-Klang? Hier findet ihr eine Auswahl der Stücke, die wir momentan singen.
Wenn ihr uns buchen wollt, nutzt gerne unser Formular auf der Seite „Buchung“. Hier findet ihr auch weitere Infos.
- Ain´t no mountain high enough
- All you need is love
- Amazing Grace
- Angels
- Bridge over troubled water
- Celebration
- Every Praise Is To Our God
- Hallelujah (Cohen)
- I can go to God in Prayer
- I say a little Prayer for you
- I will follow him
- Joyful Joyful
- Lean on me
- Oh Happy Day
- Seasons of Love
- Spirit of God
- The lord just keeps on blessing me
- Total Praise
- The Prayer
- The Rose
- Tshotsholoza
- You are the light
- You raise me up
Weiteres Repertoire (für Konzerte, Geburtstage, Firmenfeiern…)
- Adiemus
- Behold That Star
- Bridge over troble water
- Carol of the bells
- Cast all your cares
- Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel
- Elijah Rock
- From now on
- Goin‘ up Yonder
- Hail Holy Queen
- Hallelujah (Händel/Quincy Jones)
- Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- He reigns forever
- I’m On My Way To Canaan
- Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho
- Music Down in My Soul
- Never Alone
- None of us are free
- Oh Holy Night
- Pass me not
- Shackles
- Silent Night
- Swing Low / Swing Down Sweet Chariot
- Somebody to love
- Take me to the Water
- The Power of Love
- The Prayer
- The Rose
- This is Christmas (War is over)
- This little Light /True Light
- Wade in the Water
- We are the World
- We wish you a Merry Christmas
- You´ll never walk alone